AJAX and PHP, Building Responsive Web Applications : PDF bOOk
AJAX and PHP, Building Responsive Web Applications (2006)
Cristian Darie
Bogdan Brinzarea
Filip Cherecheş-Toşa
Mihai Bucica
What You Need for This Book
To go through the examples of this book you need PHP 5, a web server, and a database server. We have tested the code under several environments, but mostly with the Apache 2 web server, and MySQL 4.1 and MySQL 5 databases.
You can choose, however, to use another web server, or another database product, in which case the procedures presented in the chapters might not be 100% accurate. It is important to have PHP 5 or newer, because we use some features, such as Object Oriented Programming support, which aren't available in older versions.
Please read Appendix A for more details about setting up your machine. If your machine already has the required software, you still need to read the final part of Appendix A, where you are instructed about creating a database that is used for the examples in this book.
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AJAX and PHP, Building Modern Web Applications : PDF bOOk
AJAX and PHP, Building Modern Web Applications
Bogdan Brinzarea-Iamandi
Cristian Darie
Audra Hendrix
Building websites since 1990
Before getting into the details, let's take the inevitable history lesson to make sure
we've got our definitions straight. We promise we'll keep this short. If you're a web
development veteran, feel free to skip ahead to The world of AJAX section.
Although the history of the Internet is a bit longer, 1991 is the year when HyperText
Transfer Protocol (HTTP), still used to transfer data over the Internet, was invented.
In its initial versions, it didn't do much more than opening and closing connections.
The later versions of HTTP (Version 1.0 appeared in 1996 and Version 1.1 in 1999)
became the protocol that we all know and use.
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Securing AJAX Applications : PDF bOOk
OReilly Securing AJAX Applications (2007)
Christopher Wells
HTTP Transactions
When Jim hooked up with the server using telnet he established a connection to the
server and began initiating an HTTP transaction. Next, he evoked the HTTP GET
command or method followed by the name of the resource that he wanted—in this
case, classic.html. This took the form of a specified Uniform Resource Identifier
(URI), which is a path that the server associates with the location of the desired
resource. Figure 1-1 shows an HTTP request.
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Programming ASP.NET AJAX : PDF bOOk
OReilly Programming ASP.NET AJAX (2007)
Who This Book Is For
This book was written for two groups of web developers: those who are using ASP.NET
and would like to take their applications a step further through the Ajax technology,
and those who are using another technology but are interested in the ASP.NET AJAX
framework. It is also suitable for JavaScript programmers who would like to avoid some
of the headaches caused by the necessity of writing cross-browser code. The languages
used in this book are C# and JavaScript. If you need background on these languages,
O’Reilly has some solid introductions to both, including Learning C# 2005, by Jesse
Liberty and Brian MacDonald, and Learning JavaScript, by Shelley Powers.
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Learning ASP.NET 2.0 with AJAX : PDF bOOk
OReilly Learning ASP.NET 2.0 with AJAX (2007)
Learning ASP.NET 2.0 with AJAX
Learning or Programming?
We have written two ASP.NET books: the one you are currently reading and another
named Programming ASP.NET 2.0. This book, Learning ASP.NET 2.0 with AJAX is
intended for beginning ASP.NET developers, and answers the question: “What is the
quickest way for me to build real web applications with the least handcoding?”
Our other book, Programming ASP.NET is for developers who are saying: “Help me
learn—in depth; show how everything works, and then help me put it to work in
web applications.” The key difference is this book is aimed to make you productive
quickly, while the second book is designed to explore the technology in detail. They
complement each other, but if you are starting out and want to get to work fast, this
is the one for you.
Learning ASP.NET 2.0 with Ajax assumes you know some HTML and have either
some familiarity with Visual Basic 2005 (VB) or C#, or can pick up what you need
along the way. (Or you’re willing to run right out and buy Programming Visual Basic
2005 by Jesse Liberty, although for what you’ll be doing here, you won’t really need
it). To help with this, we have included VB Cheat Sheets throughout the book to
explain and clarify some of the VB topics for newbies.
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OReilly Head First AJAX : PDF bOOk
Head First AJAX (2008)
Chapter 1. using ajax
Section 1.1. Web pages: the old-fashioned approach
Section 1.2. Web pages reinvented
Section 1.3. So what makes a page "Ajax"?
Section 1.4. Rob's Rock 'n' Roll Memorabilia
Section 1.5. Ajax and rock 'n' roll in 5 steps
Section 1.6. Step 1: Modify the XHTML
Section 1.7. Step 2: Initialize the JavaScript
Section 1.8. Step 3: Create a request object
Section 1.9. Step 4: Get the item's details
Section 1.10. Let's write the code for requesting an item's details
Section 1.11. Always make sure you have a request object before working with it
Section 1.12. The request object is just an object
Section 1.13. Hey, server... will you call me back at displayDetails(), please?
Section 1.14. Use send() to send your request
Section 1.15. The server usually returns data to Ajax requests
Section 1.16. Ajax is server-agnostic
Section 1.17. Use a callback function to work with data the server returns
Section 1.18. Get the server's response from the request object's responseText property
Section 1.19. Goodbye traditional web appsAjaxAcrostic
Chapter 1. using ajax
Section 1.1. Web pages: the old-fashioned approach
Section 1.2. Web pages reinvented
Section 1.3. So what makes a page "Ajax"?
Section 1.4. Rob's Rock 'n' Roll Memorabilia
Section 1.5. Ajax and rock 'n' roll in 5 steps
Section 1.6. Step 1: Modify the XHTML
Section 1.7. Step 2: Initialize the JavaScript
Section 1.8. Step 3: Create a request object
Section 1.9. Step 4: Get the item's details
Section 1.10. Let's write the code for requesting an item's details
Section 1.11. Always make sure you have a request object before working with it
Section 1.12. The request object is just an object
Section 1.13. Hey, server... will you call me back at displayDetails(), please?
Section 1.14. Use send() to send your request
Section 1.15. The server usually returns data to Ajax requests
Section 1.16. Ajax is server-agnostic
Section 1.17. Use a callback function to work with data the server returns
Section 1.18. Get the server's response from the request object's responseText property
Section 1.19. Goodbye traditional web appsAjaxAcrostic
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Ajax, The Definitive Guide : PDF bOOk
OReilly Ajax, The Definitive Guide (2008)
Who Should Read This Book
This book is intended for two very different types of people: web developers, and
project managers or other higher-level people who do not necessarily need to know
the nitty-gritty details but would benefit from a general overview of how this Ajax
stuff works. The different parts of the book will reflect these different audiences.
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Advanced Ajax, Architecture and Best Practices : PDF bOOk
Prentice Hall Advanced Ajax, Architecture and Best Practices (2008)
Shawn M. Lauriat
Prerequisites for This Book
Other Ajax books have spent so much time introducing the reader to all of the technologies
involved (Apache, MySQL, PHP, XHTML, JavaScript, and of course the
XMLHttpRequest object itself ) that they have not had the opportunity to delve into more
advanced topics and practices. This book takes advantage of what already has been
written to assume a certain level of understanding, in order to examine and explore in
detail the more intricate methods of designing a web application to use Ajax. Instead
of looking at some of the available AJAX frameworks, this book takes a brief look at
the more experimental uses, such as game development.
As such, if you have not already worked with Ajax or some form of server-side
scripting language, database, or web server, you should probably read a book like
Understanding Ajax (Eichorn, 2006), following along with the examples. While this
Introduction establishes the technologies used and referenced later in the book, it does
so only as a quick overview, just as a professor provides a quick overview during the fi rst
week of a semester to refresh your memory of last semester’s course.
The example code in this book uses the following technologies for each application
layer. You should have a general understanding of all of these before you begin reading
this book:
Webserver—Apache’s HTTPD (http://httpd.apache.org) version 2.0. As of
this writing, the Apache foundation has released the 2.2.* branch as the primary
stable branch. The example configuration directives in the book should
carry over to the newer version without much deviation.
Database Server— MySQL Database Server 5.0 (http://dev.mysql.com/
downloads/mysql/5.0.html). The 5.0.* branch introduces a wealth of useful
functionality and stability over previous versions, including stored procedures,
triggers, views, and strict mode. As of this writing, MySQL AB has released the
5.1 branch as a beta.
Server-Side Scripting— PHP 5.2 (www.php.net/releases/5_2_0.php ).
PHP 5.2 brings an input filtering extension, a JSON library enabled by default,
greater ability to track file upload progress, vastly improved time zone handling,
and more. While PHP 6 brings global Unicode support to PHP,4 along with cleaned-up functionality, closer integration of the new PDO database extensions,
even more drastic improvements to the object model, and, for some reason,
goto (in the form of named break statements), the PHP group has made it available
only from source so far. It has much development left on it, but should see
greater adoption rates than PHP5 has seen so far.
Markup— XHTML 1.1 (www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11). While XHTML 2.0 has
reached its eighth public working draft, XHTML 1.1 maintains HTML compatibility
while strictly enforcing XML, modules, and the progression to XHTML
2.0. Unfortunately, Internet Explorer does not really support XHTML; rather, it
renders it as HTML. This does make quite a difference and holds many developers
back from fully embracing the XHTML modules available to them. As such,
the markup directly rendered in the browser will have Content-type: text/html
rather than application/xhtml+xml, as recommended by the W3C. Technically, the
specification (www.w3.org/TR/xhtml-media-types) strongly recommends against
using text/html with anything beyond HTML 4 or XHTML 1.0 (HTML
compatible). However, it does not forbid it, as it does with the practice of using
anything aside from text/html with HTML 4.
Style— CSS 2.1 (Cascading Style Sheets, level 2 revision 1, www.w3.org/TR/
CSS21). CSS 3 introduces much of the styling and layout abilities asked for
years ago and eagerly awaited by web designers; however, it has not reached a
stable enough point for many of the browsers to support any more than some
of the basics.5 Even with the much-anticipated release of Internet Explorer 7
(hereafter referred to as IE or IE7), IE still fails to completely support even the
CSS 2.0 specification. The IE development team worked very hard to improve
the state of IE’s CSS support and, while they did a fantastic job, they didn’t
quite make it all the way there. Because many resources (http://css-discuss.
incutio.com, http://blogs.msdn.com/ie, and many more) exist to cover the
hacks and fixes necessary to force IE6 and IE7 to follow your design, this book
will not go into detail of how to achieve complete, pixel-perfect, cross-browser
Client-Side Scripting—This book will use JavaScript 1.5, together with the
XMLHttpRequest object, which currently exists only as an informally agreed upon object and the very beginnings of a specification (www.w3.org/TR/
XMLHttpRequest as part of the Web API Working Group’s activities). Many
Ajax-type web applications and sites use Adobe Flash for text and XML communication
with the server; however, Flash development gets too specific for
coverage in this book. Many of the same principles and much of the architecture
covered still apply, but the implementation differs. ActionScript, also an
ECMAScript implementation, actually shares the syntax, object model, and
often even its development tools with JavaScript, so while the XMLHttpRequest
object does not exist in ActionScript, and the working DOM differs, much of
the other sample code should look very familiar and easy to follow.
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AJAX, Creating Web Pages with Asynchronous JavaScript and XML: PDF bOOk
AJAX, Creating Web Pages with Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (2006)
● Learn how Ajax works, how it evolved, and what it's good for
● Understand the flow of processing in Ajax applications
● Build Ajax applications with XML and the XMLHttpRequest object
● Integrate back-end code, from PHP to C#
● Use XSLT and XPath, including XPath Axis
● Develop client-side Ajax libraries to support code reuse
● Streamline development with Ruby on Rails and the Ruby programming language
● Use the cross-browser HTML DOM to update parts of a page
● Discover the best Ajax Web resources, including Ajax-capable JavaScript libraries
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AJAX, Rich Internet Applications and Web Development for Programmers : PDF bOOk
AJAX, Rich Internet Applications and Web Development for Programmers (2008)
Paul J. Deitel
Deitel & Associates, Inc.
Harvey M. Deitel
Deitel & Associates, Inc.
AJAX, Rich Internet Applications and Web Development for Programmers Architecture
This book focuses on Web 2.0 and Rich Internet Application (RIA) development. Our
goal is to develop webtop applications that have the responsiveness, look and feel of traditional desktop applications. Deitel & Associates, Inc. has evolved into a development organization, while continuing its focus on programming languages textbook and professional book authoring, and corporate training. We’re building the infrastructure for
the Internet businesses we’re designing and developing as part of our Web 2.0 Internet
Business Initiative. This book includes discussions of many practical issues we’ve encountered in developing that infrastructure.
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Enterprise AJAX, Strategies for Building High Performance Web Applications :PDF bOOk
Enterprise AJAX, Strategies for Building High Performance Web Applications (2008)
Enterprise AJAX has been written with intermediate-to-advanced serverside
developers in mind (Java, object-oriented PHP, or ASP.NET). Many
of the concepts in the book have been adopted from the time honored software
engineering patterns introduced by the “gang of four” (that is, Erich
Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides, authors of
Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software
[Addison-Wesley Professional]). Readers would benefit from a basic
understanding of software design patterns, or at least an interest in learning
more about them because they are applied throughout the book. We
hope that delivering AJAX in a familiar way using patterns can help
the more experienced developer understand the concepts and ideas more
Perhaps more important than understanding patterns, you should ideally
have at least a basic knowledge of JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Even
some understanding of XML, XSLT, or JSON can be helpful, although not
essential. Furthermore, we expect that you are experienced with serverside
programming in an object-oriented language such as Java, C#, or PHP.
Enterprise AJAX has been written with intermediate-to-advanced serverside
developers in mind (Java, object-oriented PHP, or ASP.NET). Many
of the concepts in the book have been adopted from the time honored software
engineering patterns introduced by the “gang of four” (that is, Erich
Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides, authors of
Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software
[Addison-Wesley Professional]). Readers would benefit from a basic
understanding of software design patterns, or at least an interest in learning
more about them because they are applied throughout the book. We
hope that delivering AJAX in a familiar way using patterns can help
the more experienced developer understand the concepts and ideas more
Perhaps more important than understanding patterns, you should ideally
have at least a basic knowledge of JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Even
some understanding of XML, XSLT, or JSON can be helpful, although not
essential. Furthermore, we expect that you are experienced with serverside
programming in an object-oriented language such as Java, C#, or PHP.
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OReilly Adding Ajax : PDF BooK
OReilly Adding Ajax (2007)
Shelley Powers
Contents of This Book
This book does not require you to start from the beginning and read it all the way to
the end. I’ve tried to make each chapter as standalone as possible. Having said that,
there is some small degree of building on a previous chapter’s work, primarily in the
use of an Adding Ajax library that is created as the book proceeds. However, all of
the material is included in the downloadable examples. I would, however, recommend
that you read Chapters 1 and 2 before you read any other chapters.
The following is a brief synopsis of each chapter:
Chapter 1, Getting Ready to Make a Move to Ajax
Provides an overview of the Ajax technologies, but also covers the importance of
developing a strategy for change to your site before sitting down to code. It covers
the importance of discovering your audience and provides tips on how you
can accomplish this task. It also covers the importance of standards and making
sure you have a good, solid web page before you begin to add any Ajax effects.
Once you’ve read this chapter, you’re ready to add any of the Ajax effects covered
in the later chapters.
Chapter 2, The Ajax Bits
Provides a nuts-and-bolts coverage of the heart and soul of Ajax: how to work
with the XMLHttpRequest object. In this chapter, I cover how to request a web service
using both a GET and a POST request, as well as how to use dynamic
scripting for cross-domain data requests. As for types of data, I cover HTML,
XML, as well as the newer JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). I also discuss the
asynchronous nature of Ajax requests and cover some of the potential gotchas
and performance issues.
Chapter 3, Ajax Tools and Terminology
Introduces and demonstrates several of the more important Ajax libraries,
including Prototype, script.aculo.us, Rico, MochiKit, and so on. Though most of
the examples don’t use an external library, each chapter does have a sprinkling
of examples using some of the libraries so that you can become familiar with the
effect, learn how to extend libraries, package your own libraries, and discover
some of interesting challenges associated with multilibrary Ajax development.
Chapter 4, Interactive Effects
Gets into the interactive element that is Ajax, including how to work with events
and event handlers that works across browsers, and what works if more than
one library is used. In addition, we’ll look at building tool tips, pulling in help
data from external sources, creating an Ajax “fade” to signal changes, live previews,
and merging live previews with live updates.
Chapter 5, Space: The Final Frontier
Explores the concept of web page as space, and covers three popular approaches
to managing web space. These include the accordion, where space is collapsed
vertically; the tabbed page, where pages are served when tabs are clicked; and
Preface | xiii
the overlay, where the page is overlayed with a message, photo, or other material.
This chapter also explores how to package complete “effects” so that one
library can provide effects for any number of applications and pages. This chapter
also looks at how these effects can be integrated with web service requests.
Chapter 6, Dynamic Data
This is a real nuts-and-bolts chapter. It gets into how to make data updates,
including adding new data, deleting, and making updates, all from within a single
page. It focuses on extending existing web applications so that form updates
and Ajax updates coexist harmoniously. It also incorporates the use of “fades” to
add polish and feedback to your application users. Some of the performance and
security issues associated with database access through Ajax are also covered, as
is the use of “live” updates and effects like drag-and-drop sorting.
Chapter 7, History, Navigation, and Place with Single-Page Applications
This is where we explore the Ajax effects on the Web, including breaking the
Back button, losing the browser history, dynamic effects that disappear when the
page is refreshed, and being able to link or bookmark an Ajax “page.” In this
chapter, we explore the approaches that can be taken to restore much of the lost
web effects, and we will develop a better sense of how far we can take Ajax and
still keep the best part of the Web.
Chapter 8, Adding Advanced Visual Effects
This chapter is pure fun. We’ve worked hard and now we can take out the paintbrush
and fingerpaint set and go wild. This chapter covers some advanced CSS
effects, including drag-and-drop “scrollbars,” pagination, and the use of SVG,
and the Canvas object. Though the support for the latter two items is not universal,
support is growing and if used to supplement data presented in more traditional
ways, can be both fun and effective.
Chapter 9, Mashup Your Site
Explores mashups. One of the most powerful aspects of Ajax is the ability to
bring in web services, our own and others, and combine the data in any number
of ways directly in our web pages. This chapter takes maps from Google, photo
information from Flickr, and weblog information from Technorati, mashes it all
up in a nice tabbed page interface, and then shows how all of that can be implemented
in such a way that it works whether scripting is enabled or not.
Chapter 10, Scaling, Infrastructure, and Starting from Scratch
This chapter is both the long breath after the many code examples and a second
look at issues of performance, architecture, and security. Privacy of web services
is touched on, as well as distributing resource needs and how tightly coupled
you want your server and client components to be. The chapter also looks at
starting Ajax from scratch by briefly introducing some of the many frameworks
available in so many languages: Java, .NET, PHP, Perl, Ruby, Python, and so on.
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Scriptin' with JavaScript and Ajax, A Designer’s Guide : PDF BooK
Scriptin' with JavaScript and Ajax, A Designer’s Guide (2010)
About This Book
My objective in writing this book is to provide you with a solid understanding of how JavaScript is written and the possibilities it offers, and how to develop robust and compact code that runs reliably in all modern Web browsers. Through numerous examples that
build on each other, you will develop the understanding and skills to use JavaScript to improve the user experience and performance of the Web sites you develop. All the examples can be readily added into your own pages, which is a great way to start using JavaScript. Along the way, I’ll show you techniques, shortcuts, and pitfalls
learned from the development of many projects. As with my other books, the focus is on developing practical, professional, and, hopefully, profitable skills. While this is a book about JavaScript, it has, by necessity, a broader scope. JavaScript cannot be used in isolation: Its purpose is to enhance a Web page with behaviors. It acts on a page’s structure (the
HTML markup) and its presentation (the CSS styling) to provide interactivity in what would otherwise be a static page. Through Ajax interactions, JavaScript can also request content from the server by communicating with the middleware that generates pages and manages communication with the database.
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Bulletproof Ajax: PDF BooK
New Riders Publishing Bulletproof Ajax (2007)
Jeremy Keith
From Ancient Troy
to Modern Web Design
In Homer’s Iliad, Ajax is the name of the son of Telamon. As a Greek warrior, he was famed for his strength and courage. He carried a big ax and an even bigger shield to help in his fight against the Trojans. He also had a very cool name. The name Ajax is so cool that it was used more than once in The Iliad. As well as the Telamonian Ajax, an Ajax the Lesser also fought in the Trojan War. The name has been reused ever since. Ajax is the name of a British battleship that took part in the Battle of the River Plate in World War II. It was also the name of a rocket ship in Flash Gordon. The name Ajax has been used for at least four models of car, two record labels, a Dutch football team, and an arcade game. When the Colgate-Palmolive Company needed a cool name for a range of household cleaners, they
chose the name Ajax.
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Adapting to Web Standards, CSS and Ajax for Big Sites : PDF BooK
Christopher Schmitt,
Kimberly Blessing
Rob Cherny
Meryl K. Evans
Kevin Lawver
Mark Trammell
What Are Web Standards?
Web standards is a term used to mean Web pages built using the open and compatible
recommendations from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and
other standards bodies as opposed to closed, proprietary, corporate feature sets.
These recommendations, combined with modern best practices, exploit the standardized
power of the modern Web browsers that dominate the market today,
as opposed to out-of-date browsers that were feature-rich but inconsistent and
often incompatible. Placing a graphic that reads “This site designed for Netscape
Navigator” on the main page of a Web site should be a thing of the past.
Web standards fail gracefully when encountered by out-of-date browsers. The
standards are also intended to provide greater benefit for accessibility and for
other types of media. These techniques are built with intentional side effects that
can benefit users, the company, and the team responsible for creating the sites.
Whole books have been written on the subject.
Basic Benefi ts of Web Standards
Sites built with Web standards have many benefits, right out of the box, virtually
without robust technique or experience. These include
❖ Style and script reuse and consistency
❖ Reduced bandwidth use and caching of style and script files
❖ Faster rendering of pages
❖ Cleaner, easier-to-maintain code
❖ Easier to make accessible for assistive technologies
❖ Easier to make search engine-optimized
❖ Increased compatibility between browser vendors
❖ Improved chances of document legibility for the next generation of browsers
❖ Increased readership for your site!
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Introducing Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX : PDF BooK
Microsoft Press Introducing Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX (2007)
How This Book Is Organized
The book is divided into three parts: an overview of the platform and its building blocks, techniques to effectively enhance existing sites, and client-centric development. In the first part, you’ll learn the basics of the AJAX model and the extensions made to the JavaScript language to back it. The second part is dedicated to the elements in the framework that you use to add new capabilities to existing server controls and to transform existing classic ASP.NET pages into full-fledged AJAX pages. Finally, the third part covers tools and techniques that express the real power of AJAX applications—out-of-band calls to server code.
System Requirements
You’ll need the following hardware and software to build and run the code samples for
this book:
■ Microsoft Windows Vista, Microsoft Windows XP with Service Pack 2, Microsoft Windows
Server 2003 with Service Pack 1, or Microsoft Windows 2000 with Service Pack 4
■ Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Standard Edition or Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Professional Edition
■ Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express (included with Visual Studio 2005) or Microsoft
SQL Server 2005
■ 600-MHz Pentium or compatible processor (1-GHz Pentium recommended)
■ 192 MB of RAM (256 MB or more recommended)
■ Video monitor (800 x 600 or higher resolution) with at least 256 colors (1024 x 768
High Color 16-bit recommended)
■ Microsoft mouse or compatible pointing device
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ASP.NET and AJAX, Architecting Web Applications : PDF BooK
ASP.NET and AJAX, Architecting Web Applications (2009)
Who This Book Is For
I believe that this book is ideal reading for any professionals involved with the ASP.NET
platform and who are willing or needing to fi nd a solution that delivers a modern and rich
user experience.
Who This Book Is For
I believe that this book is ideal reading for any professionals involved with the ASP.NET
platform and who are willing or needing to fi nd a solution that delivers a modern and rich
user experience.
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Ajax: The Complete Reference : PDF BooK
Ajax: The Complete Reference
Thomas A. Powell
One-way Communication
A simple use of remote JavaScript is to spawn a request to the server to indicate that some
event has happened, such as an error condition or a particular user activity like clicking
a link to visit another site. In these scenarios the request is considered one-way, as it may
not be important that a response be returned to the client.
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Ajax A Beginner’s Guide : PDF BooK
Ajax A Beginner’s Guide
Steven Holzner
New York
What You Need
To read this book, you should have a good knowledge of HTML. You don’t have to be an
HTML rock star, but you should know enough to put together a basic web page. If the level of HTML taken for granted in this book leaves you feeling lost, take a look at a good introductory HTML book before proceeding.
As far as the software side is concerned, you need a browser that can run JavaScript, such
as Internet Explorer or Firefox. Ajax revolves around browsers, so you need to have access to an Internet browser to use this book profitably and follow along with the examples.
It’s not totally necessary to do any server-side programming in this book, so you won’t
need to understand PHP as it’s introduced in this book. However, I do recommend that you
work with an Internet service provider (ISP) that will let you support PHP scripts online. If you don’t do any server-side programming, your Ajax experience will be extremely limited and only let you download preexisting files from the server. When you use PHP on the server, you can send data from the browser to the server (for example, the ZIP code in which a prospective buyer is looking for houses) and use that data to tailor the response that you send back to the browser for display.
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